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living for Him and taking daily steps to surrender my will and my life for the Glory of God

18 May 2011

outside looking in

so yesterday while on my little run, I started thinking about being rescued and how we are all in need of rescue (that was the talk at church on Sunday). Anyways it got me thinking. we need rescue not because we are perfect, but because we are broken, bruised, dented, scratched, and all sorts of mess. It made me think of my car. I have a 2001 honda civic that has...well let's just say character :) there are scratches, and what gives it the most character is the huge dent on the side (i may have driven into something...). Before last week, the inside of my car was quite a mess and dirty-I had never gotten the interior clean since I purchased the car almost 2 years ago...needless to say it was in dyer need of a detailing job. I'll be honest, I would be embarrassed for friends to get into my car because I knew it was dirty and I didn't want the imperfection. While the inside of my car may be clean now, the dent and scratches on my car still remain. And remain they will (unless I want to spend hundreds of dollars to fix it), but I am no longer embarrassed to let people in the car or to see it.

So now back to life. So often, we as humans and especially Christians don't want people to see the inside of us...the imperfections...the dents, the bruises, but they are there! Christ encourages us to boast in these weaknesses, because it is through the weakness that we are made strong in Him. I know for me, I don't want people to see the deepest insides of me, afraid of what they might think. But in reality, we all are broken and in need of rescue. We all have those struggles and those bumps. It is through these that the Lord can truly move and work in our life. We shouldn't appear to be perfect, because we aren't! While it may be hard, sharing with those you trust your heart can bring about deeper relationship and a picture of what it means to be the body of Christ.

11 May 2011

why detox?

So starting this past monday, my roommates and I have started a raw detox. What does this consist of, you ask? Well simple. Basically it is cutting out all processed foods, caffeine, dairy, and meats. If you have heard of the Daniel diet, it is very similar to that. The hardest thing for me is cutting out coffee. boy do I loveeee coffee! here is a pic of our colorful fridge!
When I have mentioned this detox to people, they typically respond with, "why are you doing a detox diet? You don't need to lose weight". Correct, I don't need to lose weight, so that is not the reason I am doing this. I did this detox back in January and felt great after it, but since then I have obviously consumed so much stuff that isn't the best for my body...including caffeine. I really want to detox my body of all the crap that I have put in it. So what do we eat with the detox? Smoothies, Juices (a juicer is soo cool), vegetabl
es, salads, nuts (like almonds), quinoa, beans, and fruits.

here are a few of the recipes we have discovered:

the first is a Kale Smoothie:
1 banana
1 orange
a little almond milk
handful of kale

another version could be this too:
1 banana
1 orange
handful of kale
some cantelope
1 apple
a little water
The perfect juice blend:
3 carrot sticks
1 celery
1 pear
1 apple
-it is DELISH!

and lastly, my favorite quinoa recipe:
cooked quinoa
chopped up red, yellow, orange peppers
chopped cilantro
chopped green onions (about 2 stalks of it)
(optional) mango

you mix all that together with the 'sauce'
2 squirts of honey
a little dab of olive oil
a few squirts of lime juice
sprinkled sea salt

put that all together and you have a yummy meal! put it on top of arugula if you want too.

Anyways, we are on day 3 of our detox and I'm feeling pretty good. i get a headache in the afternoon, but that is mixed with allergies and lack of caffeine. But my body feels great!

and here's a picture of our colorful fridge!

07 May 2011

no agenda!

this is the first time in probably 2 years where I have absolutely no agenda. no school, no work, nothing. and while i could easily look at that and be upset because i really have nothing to do, i am choosing to embrace it. i feel this sense of freedom and i'm loving doing whatever! when i have told some of my friends (who are in the workforce), they advise me to love this time. so that is what i am doing. loving my life and embracing each moment of relaxing.

so what do i do with no agenda?
well the past few days i have worked at a flower shop (delivering mother's day flowers!), laid out at my dear friend's pool, tie-dyed t-shirts (for kamp!), played this awesome game Ambassador (basically speed charades), gone for walks, watch friday night lights, baked. just lots of fun things to do here and there.

Life is too short to be anything but happy and joyful. So joyful I am, and loving life it will be! I'm just so grateful that the Lord has blessed me with this time, and with incredible friends that I can be myself around and enjoy life with as well. :)

02 May 2011

new chapter

I need to get back to blogging! Life has been crazy...and I'm finally wrapping up the semester (YAY!). In fact this past weekend I randomly ran another half marathon! crazzzzzy! But it was soo fun.

We've had girls staying at our house for the past few nights, and it really has been so much fun. For the first time in a while, I really feel like myself (crazy and energetic, yes, but truly myself). It is so easy for me to subdue who I really am because I am worried about how people will perceive me...but I shouldn't be! Christ has made me WHO I AM, and he has given me a joy for a reason. Sometimes, it may be a bit to handle...and I understand (especially when you give me caffeine), but I am not going to change who the Lord has made me to be because I am afraid of what people will think.
(my beautiful roomies above)
The Lord has blessed me INCREDIBLY with my living situation right now and I am so thankful for the 2 that I live with. God has known exactly what I have needed and has placed me just where that is.

So anyways...these next few weeks will be a time of loving life. No job, no school, no agenda! A new chapter in life :)