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living for Him and taking daily steps to surrender my will and my life for the Glory of God

29 September 2008

the pocket change

Okay. So every Monday in my Western Civilization class, my professor says a prayer with us and always talks about how much longer are we going to give 'pocket change' to God?  It sounds a little corny and cliche in a way...but this idea has been on my heart.

So often I say
"I'm giving this or that to God"
am I really?
   with all of ME?

I think sometimes I think.  "Okay, I died to myself this morning-that's it for the day."  But that is not true at all.  We talk about daily surrender, but I think it is moment by moment surrender.  I have to constantly pray for the Lord to consume all of me.

And when things aren't getting solved, it is not on God at all.  I can't blame Him.  He knows what He's doing.  I think I'm just examining myself right now, and recognizing the sin and the pain and struggles in my life all because I can't completely give up myself.

"So I'll stand with arms high and heart abandoned
In awe, of the One who gave it all
I'll stand my soul, Lord, to You surrendered
All I am is YOURS" 

1 comment:

The Art Of Light Photography said...

3 things...
1. thank you for sharing your daily struggles to LOVE god, it's a reminder for my own struggles.

2. thank you for the book suggestions, those lion ones look really interesting and i've heard the shack is amazing

3. thank you for the snail mail, i love you :)